Thursday, October 31, 2019
Strategies for Addressing Individual Needs Essay
Strategies for Addressing Individual Needs - Essay Example His lack of eye contact, his difficulty in social interaction and his lack of response to his name are all symptoms of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (Anderson, 2007, p. 16). I would recommend to his parents that he be screened for this disorder as a precaution. If autism is found, there can be early intervention work and behavioral interventions that can be specific to autism. The New York State (NYS) Department of Health, Early Intervention Program, suggests that there are several early screening assessments that can be used. The Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) is a short test that can be administered to detect autism in toddlers. The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) combines information from parents and from a professional to see whether there is a possibility for autism. These two screening tests would be used in addition to the observation that was made in the classroom. Another area of concern that I see would be Roberts hearing. He also exhibits many symptoms of a child who either is not hearing or who does not hear well. My question would be whether Robert has ever made noises from his earlier years. As an example, many children will babble and coo when they are babies. Sometimes deaf babies do not. According to Kibby and Perlstein (2010) a child who does not have normal hearing may not be able to develop normal speech and language. Speech delay, a diagnosis of autism, frequent ear infections and low birth rate are some of the risk factors for hearing loss. I would refer Roberts parents to an audiologist to test his hearing. The case study does not state whether Robert is listening to other sounds or not so we can only go on the fact that he does not answer to his name when it is called. One assessment that Kibby and Perlstein suggest for a child of Roberts age would be play audiometry. This test pairs sounds with a specific task or response. The y give an example where a
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Obesity caused by Bulimia Nervosa Research Paper
Obesity caused by Bulimia Nervosa - Research Paper Example Eating disorders take various forms among individuals. One of the rampant instances of eating disorders that translate into obesity is binge eating. Binge eating is a behavior among obese individuals whereby they adopt eating habits that involve eating in the night. Community studies conducted revealed that binge-eating rates are high among obese eating adults as opposed to normal weight adults. There are also other factors influencing binge-eating habits. Psychological factors such as depression and anxiety affect the eating habits among individuals. Psychologically affected individuals result into adopting binge eating habits as a means of overcoming psychological stressors (Barbour 34). Another eating disorder rampant among obese individuals is emotional eating. Over eating comes as a response to the negative emotional states among individuals. Considering the fact that over eating is among the leading factors in the promotion of obesity among individuals; emotional eating constan tly leads to over eating and hence obesity among individuals. Community studies have confirmed that emotional eating is wide spread among obese adult individuals. The emotional distress among the obese individuals comes because of low morale and will power to overcome their current state of obesity. Therefore, obese individuals result into emotional eating and hence increase their levels of obesity (Kelly 78). External eating is another eating habit that promotes the prevalence of obesity within the community.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Observing Mitosis In The Cells Of Garlic Biology Essay
Observing Mitosis In The Cells Of Garlic Biology Essay Aim: To observe the stages of the cell cycle in living tissue, generally and specifically in the meristematic cells of the root of garlic and hence consider the duration of the stages of mitosis in relation to the whole cell cycle. Introduction: Theà cell cycle, orà cell-division cycle, is the series of events that takes place in aà cellà leading to its division and duplication (replication). In cells without a nucleus (prokaryotes), the cell cycle occurs via a process termedà binary fission. In cells with a nucleus (eukaryotes), the cell cycle can be divided in two brief periods:à interphase-during which the cell grows, accumulating nutrients needed for mitosis andduplicating its DNA-and theà mitosisà (M) phase, during which the cell splits itself into two distinct cells, often called daughter cells. The cell-division cycle is a vital process by which a single-celledà fertilized eggà develops into a mature organism, as well as the process by whichà hair,à skin,à blood cells, and some internal organs are renewed. [1] Figure 1: The cell cycle Mitosis is the process that facilitates the equal partitioning of replicated chromosomes into two identical groups. Before partitioning can occur, the chromosomes must become aligned so that the separation process can occur in an orderly fashion. The alignment of replicated chromosomes and their separation into two groups is a process that can be observed in virtually all eukaryotic cells. [2] Both the alignment and separation processes are the consequence of the chromosomes interacting with filamentous proteinaceous structures, known as microtubules. The microtubules become organized into a biconical array known as a spindle, which forms early in mitosis, and then disassembles as mitosis nears completion. Mitotic spindles are visible in living cells with the polarizing light microscope. Some of the spindle microtubules become attached to the chromosomes at sites known as kinetochores. The kinetochores cannot be seen with the light microscope, but they reside near the place on the chromosome known as its centromere, which can be observed with the light microscope. There are two kinetochores on each replicated chromosome (one on each chromatid), and when the replicated chromosome splits apart at its centromere at the onset of anaphase, each daughter chromosome possesses one centromere and one kinetochore. The linkages between kinetochores and microtubules are thought to be central in controlling both the positioning of the replicated chromosome at the central portion of the spindle during the alignment phase, and in moving the daughter chromosomes apart after they split at their centromeres. The separation of daughter cells from each other is a process known as cytokinesis, and is separate from mitosis. In cytokinesis, animal and plant cells differ considerably from each other. These differences are the consequence of having or not having a cell wall. Cytokinesis in fungi reveals some similarities with plant cells, and exhibits other features unique to the group.[2] Figure 1: Illustration of the process by which somatic cells multiply and divide. The specimen used in this experiment is the root of garlic where the meristematic cells are actively dividing. Cell division in flowering plants takes place in particular regions of the plant calledà meristems. Cells in meristems are not specialized for any particular function and divide repeatedly by mitosis. Some of the daughter cells remain meristematic; others cease dividing and become differentiated into appropriate cell types depending on their position. The root tip meristem is usually a denser white and more rounded than the cut end. Chromosomes in root tip tissue are made visible with the stain. Dividing cells (if present) will show up clearly with chromosomes in different forms according to the stage of mitosis. Individual chromosomes (as tightly-coiled threads) are visible during anaphase. The links between the cellulose walls of plant cells are broken down by the treatment with hydrochloric acid. This ensures that the stain can penetrate the cells and allows the tissue to be squashed out one cell thick. [3] References: [1] [2] [3],121,EXP.html Objective: Mitosis occurs in four phases as a continuous process without break in between the phases. Before mitosis, the cells are in rest during interphase stage. The activity of chromosomes is significant in determining the stages of cell division. Therefore, to observe the chromosomes, the root cells are stained. There are two types of stains used; the toluidine blue stain. The toluidine blue stain causes the cytoplasm to appear light blue in colour while the chromosomes appear dark blue. In this experiment, the cells in the root tip of garlic is squashed, stained and observed under compound microscope to observe the stages mitosis. Apparatus: Compound microscope, 2 Watch glasses, dropper, tissue paper, microscope slide, cover slip, forceps, mounted needles, stopwatch, scalpel or sharp knife, eye protection, small sample tube, filter paper, eye goggles. Materials: Toluidine blue stain, 1M hydrochloric acid, 1 clove of garlic with roots, cold distilled water Procedure: 1-2 cm of root tips of growing garlic roots are cut off. The root tips are ensured to be chosen from those which are white and have a firm rounded end. The root tips are put into watch glass containing 2 cm3 of 1 M hydrochloric acid for exactly 5 minutes. The root tips are then transferred into watch glass containing approximately 5 cm3 cold water, and left for 4-5 minutes. The root tips are then dried on filter papers. Figure 3 : The root tips are transferred into glass with cold water The root tips are then transferred onto a clean microscope slide. 4-5 mm of the root tips are cut and kept, while the rest are discarded. The root tips are gently broken up with a mounted needle by a process called maceration. Figure 4 : The root tips are break up A small drop of toluidine blue stain is added to the root tips and left for 2 minutes. The tips are covered with a coverslip, and blotted firmly with several layers of tissue. The coverslip is pressed gently to spread the root tip. The samples are then viewed under the microscope (x40 magnifications) and the nuclei of the cells are located. The microscope lens is switched to higher power (x100, x400 and x1000 magnifications and look for cells with chromosomes. Figure 5 : The cells are observed under light microscope The regularly shaped, actively dividing cells are focused and counted for every phases of mitosis. The data obtained are recorded and tabulated. Results: Stages Of Mitosis Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Total Cell counted 22 15 3 3 2 35 Percentage 62.9 14.3 8.6 8.6 5.7 100 Table 1 : The stages of mitosis and the respective cell count and percentage Calculation of the mitotic index : Mitotic index = number of cell containing visible chromosome total number of cells in the field of view Mitotic index = Interphase Interphase is the period where the cell prepares itself before cell division. It is a phase before the mitosis. The chromosomes are uncoiled and it fills the nucleus. DNA replication occurs during this stage. The nuclear envelope is visible the centrioles appear and so do the nucleolus. Prophase During prophase, the replicated chromosomes undergo extensive condensation or coiling. The chromosomes are greatly thickened and shortened but are still contained within the nuclear envelope. Prophase ends with the sudden dispersion of the nuclear envelope. The chromosomes start to coil, shorten, and become distinct. The mitotic spindle or polar fibers begin to form from the poles of the cell towards the equator. Metaphase Chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell or what is called the metaphase plate. Polar fibers have reached the centromeres of the chromosomes and have begun interacting with them. Each kinetochore, plate like structure of the replicated chromosome is pointed toward one side of the spindle. The replicated chromosomes converge toward the center of the spindle, and once they get there, significant movements cease. On either sides of each centromere are sites for kinetochore microtubule. Anaphase Anaphase commences with the initial splitting of sister chromatids at their centromeres. These daughter chromosomes then begin to separate from each other, each moving away from the metaphase plate and toward one of the two spindle pole regions. Anaphase ends when the daughter chromosomes reach the end of the cell. Since the sister chromatids are identical copies of the original chromosomes, each pole of the cell will have a set of complete and identical chromosomes as in the parent cell. Telophase In telophase, the daughter chromosomes arrive at the spindle poles and are eventually redistributed into chromatin. After complete separation of the chromosomes and their extrusion to the spindle poles, the nuclear membrane begins to reform around each group of chromosomes at the opposite ends of the cell. The nucleoli also reappear in what will eventually become the two new cell nuclei. A new nuclear membrane forms. The new cell walls grow to form the two new, identical daughter cells. The cytokinesis process starts to happen in order to complete the division of the two new cells. Discussion: After observing the mitosis process, we knew that percentages of the cells in each stage are different. In the experiment using toluidine blue stain, we observed that 22 cells out of 35 cells undergone interphase which covered 62.9% of the cells. There are 15 cells undergone prophase covering 14.3% of the cells. Metaphase and anaphase have the same percentage which is 8.6%. While 2 cells undergone telophase which covered 5.7%. The mitotic index using toluldine blue stain is which suggest that only 37.14% of the cells in our view were undergoing mitosis and the rest are still in interphase. The percentage of cells in each stage is related to the length of time a cell spends in each stage of mitosis. The greater the percentage of cells in a stage, the longer the time spent by each cell in that stage. Based on the table 1, it is clearly shown that the largest percentage of cells is found to be at interphase. Interphase is often referred as the resting phase. Interphase is the stage in which the cells prepare themselves to undergo mitosis. Since interphase has the largest percentage of cells, therefore each cell spends the longest time being at interphase stage. Metaphase and anaphase occupies the same length of time and same percentage of cells. This means cells spend almost equal length of time being at both phases. Telophase on the other hand, has the lowest percentage which means the shortest period of time a cell spends is during telophase. Prophase, being the first stage of mitosis has the second highest percentage of cells. It means compared to metaphase, anaphase and telophase, prophase is the stage of mitosis in which each cell spends the most time. From the results, we knew that most of the cells spent longer time in interphase because cell growth, replication of the chro mosomes, and many other activities are taking place during this time. The cells need to prepare first for the mitotic division to occur. On the other hand, based on results on table 2, is it clearly shown that, the size of cell during interphase is the smallest among all followed by the size of cell during prophase, metaphase, anaphase and finally the size of cell is the biggest during telophase. This is because, during interphase the cell will never grow in size exactly as the cell prepares itself for cell division. Meanwhile, during telophase the cell actually splitting into two daughter cells and it is obvious that the cell would have grown in size. This experiment use the garlic root tips tissue for observing the mitosis process because the stages of development in plant growth can be distinctly observed at this part which is known as meristem. This meristem is actively divided by mitosis. So, every stage of mitosis can be observed clearly. We ensure that our results are reliable because we use 3 samples of root tip. This could minimize the error during this experiment and we can compare the results for each sample. Besides that, we stained the samples using toluidine blue first so that we can observe the chromosomes clearly. We believed that our results are valid because the outcomes from the experiment are the same with what we expect based on the theory and our results are quite similar with the other groups results. Not only that, the usage of toluidine blue is reliable, cheaper and easy to handle with. In a way, it is simple and it helps produce results quicker compared to the usage of other staining. Conclusion: Mitosis can be divided into four different stages; prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. In conclusion, the mitosis process is a random process. So, different types of sample will have different length of time for mitosis to complete. Other than that, the longest stage of cell cycle is interphase with the highest percentage followed by metaphase and anaphase while the shortest stage is telophase with the lowest percentage. The greater the percentage of cells in a stage, the longer the time spent by each cell in that stage. Hypothesis is accepted.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Comparison of Once More to the Lake and The Grave :: essays papers
Comparison of Once More to the Lake and The Grave Authors often use details that evoke a response in readers to produce an effective description. Their aim is not simply to tell readers what something looks like but to show them. Katherine Anne Porterââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Graveâ⬠and E.B. Whiteââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Once More to the Lakeâ⬠are essays that use subjective language to illustrate the principles of effective description. Porterââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Graveâ⬠describes a childish afternoon of rabbit hunting that brings death close enough to be seen and understood, while Whiteââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Once More tot he Lakeâ⬠is a classic essay of persona; reminiscence in which he recreates the lakeside camp he visited with his son. One of the first things readers notice when they read Katherine Anne Porterââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Graveâ⬠was her use of vivid details. Mirandaââ¬â¢s clothes are described in specific details: She was wearing her summer roughing outfit: ââ¬Å"dark blue overalls, a light blue shirt, a hired manââ¬â¢s hat, and thick brown sandals.â⬠Through her use of detail, Porter creates her dominant impression about Mirandaââ¬â¢s feelings on female decorum as shameful. Porter describes Mirandas meeting with ââ¬Å"old women. . . who smoked corn-cob pipesâ⬠she met along the road: ââ¬Å"They slanted their gummy old eyes side-ways at the granddaughter and said, ââ¬Å"Ainââ¬â¢t you ashamed of yoself, Missy? Itââ¬â¢s aginst the Scriptures to dress like that. Whut yo Pappy thinkinââ¬â¢ about?â⬠By describing Mirandaââ¬â¢s reaction to the old womenââ¬â¢sââ¬â¢ questioning, Porter conveys the sense of embarrassment Miranda felt. She describes Mirandaââ¬â¢s reaction by using a simile: ââ¬Å"with her powerful social sense, which was like a fine set of antennae radiating from every pore of her skin . . . ââ¬Å" Miranda is ashamed because she knew it was rude and ill-bred to shock anyone although she had faith in her fatherââ¬â¢s judgment and was perfectly comfortable in the clothes. Another example of Porterââ¬â¢s use of specific details is how she describes the dead rabbit. As Mirandaââ¬â¢s brother Paul stripped the skin away from the dead animal the ââ¬Å"flayed flesh emerged dark scarlet, sleek, firm.â⬠He slit thin flesh from the center of the ribs to the flanks, and a scarlet bagâ⬠appeared. He slit the bag open to find a bundle of baby rabbits, each wrapped in a ââ¬Å"scarlet thin veil.â⬠Paul pulled them off to reveal their true appearance: ââ¬Å"dark grey, their wet down lying in
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Aec Advantage and Disadvangtage Essay
high & bao 1. The positive impact of AEC to Thailand is that it helps to facilitate investment and trading activities in other ASEAN members as it is now more freely and easier. We can invest in any ASEAN countries and there will be less barriers in terms of trading activities. Moreover, Thailand will become the center of transportation and tourism, as Thailand is located in the center of ASEAN. This will help tourism industry grow bigger. Thailand can also be the center of national conferences, meetings, exhibitions, and telecommunication. Furthermore, AEC helps Thai manufacturers reduce the cost of production as they can outsource cheaper raw materials from ASEAN members. AEC also helps increase the opportunities of investment as money is easily flowing among ASEAN members bix,pamm, mew 2. AEC comes with the railways development projects which will connect the Greater Mekong Sub-region, ie. East-West Economic Corridor-connecting Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar; North-South Economic Corridor-connectingThailand, Myanmar/Laos, and China and; Southern Economic Corridor-connecting Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The Southern Economic Corridor has a connecting route further to Dawei Deep Sea Port in Myanmar that can distribute products to the Middle East and Europe. This will bring down the logistic cost of Thailand that depend smuch on expensive road transportation. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- 3. In about 2 years, we are going to be a part of AEC which we need to prepare for this situation. It is not just only industry sector that need to prepare for the bigger market and the larger amount of competitors, but the small sector like logistic is also need to be improved to get along with the intense competition for helping companies survive from the easier movement of goods, service, investment, capital and people. When there is a free flow of goods, service, skilled labor, etc, the infrastructure also needs to be developed to serve those inflows. AEC would be a great challenge for supply chain management to manage the timing for delivering goods with more comfortable infrastructure which is able to reduce the cost of transportation as well, and it is a nice opportunity to enhance the cross border trade facilitation by simplified border procedures. Moreover, supporting the transportation among ASEAN countries PTT also started to set up gas stations at main roads in many member countries already. This opportunity tends to generate lots of income for our nation as the high standard of PTT gas station and the well quality of service. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Negative impact of AEC on supply chain Nop ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- 1. When we become a part of AEC, it has a several negative impacts on the supply chain in Thailand. Thai firms need to expand both their manufacture and inventory, in an order to produce and store more goods to serve wider range of customers. As a result, it will definitely affect their fixed cost, and total cost of production will then rise respectively. Besides, the extensive concentration on manufacturing and inventory can be problematic in that it places additional pressure on the environment, which might be a clear evidence in unwelcome impacts upon important sectors of the economy, such as tourism. Mink 2. AEC will cause in a lot of labour movement and this can be a negative impact on supply chain as well. Of course, skilled labour will move to the country that offer them a higher opportunity and higher wage, such as Singapore and Malaysia. As the Thai skilled labour move out, the foreign unskilled labour might move in. The unskilled labour, who may be more wage competitive than the Thai worker, move in. This caused an disadvantage in the market and on Thai labour as well. Also, this might depress local markets and diminish consumption of manufactured items. Due to a various wider customers, it will be harder for the manufacture to reach economy of scale. Instead of just producing one goods to server domestic market, the firms may need to come up with several creative goods to server customers who come from many country. This also can increase a cost of production for the firm. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- bix,pamm, mew Thailand has relatively high logistic cost to GDP (18%) when compared with Singapore (8%) and Malaysia (13%). For Thailandââ¬â¢s overall logistic cost, the share of transportation cost is the largest. Thailand may lose its strategy to be the hub of ASEAN from the higher logistic cost comparing to other AEC countries, such as Singapore and Malaysia, if Thailandââ¬â¢s logistic infrastructures, for example, railways and highways network that link AEC, havenââ¬â¢t been built completely in 2015. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- bix,pamm, mew Some labor intensive industries may die when AEC is fully integrated because of Thai minimum wage policy. The minimum wage policy will affect everyone in the supply chain both directly and indirectly. These businesses, such as food and beverage and vehicles and vehicle parts, will see higher costs for goods and services on the form of rising price of raw materials and logistics pushing through the supply chain. Moreover, the strong companies, which can survive, may leave Thai markets to find new channels to increase earnings and counter profit erosion from rising domestic costs. If many industries leave Thailand, the rest industries will leave also like domino falls.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Art George Washington
The reason is because it is a portrait of a person it cannot have parts hat correspondent to one another; they are not equal. When I mean not equal, I mean if you fold the painting in half the painting is not alike both sides are different. The portrait has symbolic meaning behind it because he was our first president and in the portrait he is surrounded with objects of his public life during the service of his country. Now analyzing the painting more thoroughly, one can notice his clothing attire was suitable for his position in power, since he was the president of the United States of America.The suit symbolizes a switch toa public fgure from general to president. The sheathed sword is ceremonial; it distinguished him as a ââ¬Å"fine gentlemenâ⬠and is symbolic in a sense because it distinguished him as being head of state. i The subject matter of this portrait is George Washington, who is posing as the first president. The reason I was drawn to him is because he is our first President and I wanted to do a piece on a famous person that everyone in the United States knows.I believe that the artwork is placed perfectly; after all, it is in the American wing of the useum alongside other political paintings. This is the first painting of George Washington however; the original Lansdowne is not in the museum. The original one was done in 1796. The name of the portrait comes from William Petty, the first Maqguis of Lansdowne who was a British supporter of American independence. Gilbert Stuart painted numerous copies of this famous piece, one of which was made for Ms. William Bingham of Pennsylvania and another is the one displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The portrait shows the movement of the ratification of he Jay Treaty and the transatlantic political alliance brought together during George Washington's second term. ââ¬Ë Similar material painted around this time in 1817 was John Trumbull's oil canvas ââ¬Å"Declaration of Independence,â⬠located in the United States Capitol Rotunda. ii Gilbert Stuart was a renowned artist who was known for capturing the inner character, which he believed was reflected in their physical features. He believed Washington features indicated a man with great passion. ââ¬Ë The George Washington portrait brought Gilbert Stuart fame.This period in time a person like George Washington would give the artist more sitters. iii In addition, reproducing this portrait gave Stuart more money, either painting it wit n his own two hands or having engravers paint it, which he held the copyright to as well. This portrait is a key turning point for Gilbert Stuart that made him a successful artist. ââ¬Å"He is surrounded with allegorical emblems of his public life in the service of his country, which are highly illustrative of the great and tremendous storms which have requently prevailed. v These storms have abated, and the appearance of the rainbow is introduced in the background as a sign. â⬠â⬠Advertisement for the first exhibition of the Lansdowne portrait in 1798 ââ¬Å"Lansdowne Portrait retains a place of special significance within the history of American art. ââ¬Å"- Dr. Bryan Zygmont. v As you can see from the historians/critics they concur that the artwork is a famous portrait in history. The artwork is a contention of being the best artwork in American History.
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