Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Stress Syllables in English

How to Stress Syllables in English Words are made up of letters and those letters create syllable sounds.  You can recognize a syllable by remembering that each one contains a vowel sound.  For example, in the word computer,  there are three syllables: com /  pu  /  ter. The word  bike, however, has only one syllable. A single syllable may contain as little as just one letter, or as many as five: idea - i / de / a (three syllables) cough - cough (one syllable) In words that have more than one syllable, one syllable will be stressed. In English, there are a number of word syllable stress patterns. Counting Syllables You can check how many syllables a word has by putting your hand under your chin and saying a word. Each time your chin moves to make a vowel sound, count a syllable. For example, the word difficult  moves your chin three times. Therefore, difficult is three syllables. Exercise Count the number of syllables in each of these words. Answers are below. housejacketglassesencyclopediaemployerinformationtroublemaker  thought  happyincoherent Answers 1 (house)2 (ja / ket)2 (gla / sses)6 (en / cy / clo / pe / di / a)3 (em / ploy / er)4 (in / for / ma / tion)4 (trou / ble /ma / ker)1 (thought)2 (ha / ppy)4 (in / co / her / ent) Word Syllable Stress In multi-syllable words, the stress falls on one of the syllables. The other syllables tend to be spoken quickly. This leads to sounds that are not clear (muted) on unstressed syllables. In order to improve your pronunciation, focus on pronouncing the stressed syllable clearly. However, dont be afraid to mute (not say clearly) the other unstressed vowels. For example: Listen  to these specific examples. Notice where the syllables are stressed: PersonNELTOtallyInDUstrialToMAtoFanTAstic One Syllable - Stressed All one-syllable words have the stress on the one syllable. The intonation should go down.   Listen  to the general pattern. EATDRINKSIGNWELL Two-Syllable First Syllable Stressed Listen  to the general pattern and these specific examples: GIantPICtureHEAting Second Syllable Stressed Listen  to the general pattern and these specific examples: toDAYaHEADaLLOW Three-Syllable First Syllable Stressed Listen  to the general pattern and these specific examples: ENergyOperateORganize Second Syllable Stressed Listen  to the general pattern and these specific examples: meMORialaSSUMPtioncaNAdian Third Syllable Stressed Listen  to the general pattern and these specific examples: employEEjapanESEvoluntEER Four-Syllable Second Syllable Stressed Listen  to the general pattern and these specific examples: psyCHOLogyeVAporatecerTIficate Third Syllable Stressed Listen  to the general pattern and these specific examples: poliTIcianindiVIdualrepuTAtion Double Vowel Sounds Its not the number of letters that make up a syllable, rather it is the number of single vowel sounds. Sometimes, a number of vowels combine to make just a single sound. For example: tree 1 sound goal 1 sound because 1 sound Common Double Vowel Sounds Its important to learn spelling patterns for these sounds. Here are some of the most common: ay - (diphthong EI sound)  play, say, may au - (long A sound) fault, launch, haunt augh - (long A sound) caught, taught, daughter augh - (short A sound as in cat) laugh ee - (long EE sound) tree, see, three ea - (long EE sound) each, peach, teach ea - (short E sound) dead, head, health ea - (long EE sound) break, steak, great eu - (long U sound) deuce, sleuth ei - (diphthong EI sound) beil, eight, weigh ey - (diphthong EI sound) they, grey eigh - (diphthong EI sound) eight, freight eigh - (long EE sound) seize eigh - (diphthong AI sound) height ie - (long EE sound) thief, pice ie - (long I sound) die, tie oo - (long U sound) moo, boo oo - (short U sound) book, foot oa - (long O sound) boat, moat oe - (long O sound) hoe, Joe oi - (diphthong OY sound) soil, toil ou - (long O sound) soul, your ou - (short U sound) tough, rough ue - (long U sound) cue, muse ui - (long U sound) fruit, juice Schwa for Unstressed Syllables Unstressed syllables keep the correct sound, but are muted. Sometimes, unstressed vowels become a  schwa sound  - like a soft uh sound. Listen  to these specific examples: LittleRepeatTomato At other times, the vowel is pronounced but not stressed. Listen  to these specific examples: IndustrialNoisily Generally speaking, stressed syllables retain a clear vowel sound, while unstressed syllables tend to soften towards a schwa-like sound.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Emperor Penguin Facts (Aptenodytes forsteri)

Emperor Penguin Facts (Aptenodytes forsteri) The emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) is the largest type of penguin. The bird is adapted to living its entire life in the cold of the Antarctic coast. The generic name Aptenodytes means diver without wings in Ancient Greek. Like other penguins, the emperor does have wings, but it cannot fly. Its stiff wings act as flippers to help the bird swim gracefully. Fast Facts: Emperor Penguin Scientific Name: Aptenodytes forsteriCommon Name: Emperor penguinBasic Animal Group: BirdSize: 43-51 inchesWeight: 50-100 poundsLifespan: 20 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Antarctic coastPopulation: Fewer than 600,000Conservation Status: Near Threatened Description Adult emperor penguins stand between 43 and 51 inches tall and weigh between 50 and 100 pounds. Weight depends on sex and season. Overall, males weigh more than females, but both males and females lose weight when incubating eggs and raising hatchlings. After the breeding seasons, both sexes weigh around 51 pounds. Males enter the season between 84 and 100 pounds, while females average around 65 pounds. Adults have black dorsal plumage, white feathers under their wings and on their bellies, and yellow ear patches and upper breast feathers. The upper part of the bill is black, while the lower mandible may be orange, pink, or lavender. Adult plumage fades to brown before molting each year in summer. Chicks have black heads, white masks, and gray down. Emperor penguins have bodies streamlined for swimming, flipper-like wings, and black feet. Their tongues are coated with rear-facing barbs that help prevent prey from escaping. Penguin bones are solid rather than hollow to help the birds survive the pressure of deep water. Their hemoglobin and myoglobin help them survive at the low blood oxygen levels associated with diving. On land, emperor penguins either waddle or slide on their bellies. Sian Seabrook, Getty Images Habitat and Distribution Emperor penguins live along the coast of Antarctica between 66Â ° and 77Â ° south latitudes. Colonies live on land, shelf ice, and sea ice. Breeding occurs on pack ice as far as 11 miles offshore. Diet Penguins are carnivores that prey upon fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods. They are social birds that often hunt together. They can dive to 1,500 feet, spend up to 20 minutes underwater, and forage over 300 miles from their colony. Chicks are hunted by Southern giant petrel and south polar skuas. Adults are only preyed upon by leopard seals and orcas. Behavior Penguins live in colonies ranging from 10 to hundreds of birds. When temperatures drop, penguins huddle in a rough circle around juveniles, slowly shuffling around so each adult gets a chance to shelter from the wind and cold. Emperor penguins use vocal calls to identify each other and communicate. Adults can call at two frequencies simultaneously. Chicks modulate the frequency of their whistle to call parents and indicate hunger. Reproduction and Offspring Although sexually mature at three years of age, most emperors dont start breeding until they are four to six years old. In March and April, adults begin courtship and walk 35 to 75 miles inland to nesting areas. The birds take one mate each year. In May or June, the female lays a single greenish-white egg, which weighs about one pound. She passes the egg to male and leaves him for two months to return to the sea to hunt. The male incubates the egg, balancing it on his feet to keep it off the ice. He fasts about 115 days until the egg hatches and his mate returns. For the first week, the male feeds the hatchling crop milk from a special gland in his esophagus. When the female returns, she feeds the chick regurgitated food, while the male leaves to hunt. The parents take turns hunting and feeding the chick. The chicks molt into adult plumage in November. In December and January all of the birds return to the sea to feed. Less than 20% of chicks survive the first year, as a parent must abandon a chick if its mate doesnt return before the guardians energy reserves are depleted. The adult survival rate from year to year is about 95%. The average lifespan of an emperor penguin is around 20 years, but a few birds may live as long as 50 years. Males keep chicks warm by resting them on their feet and snuggling them in an area of feathers called the brood patch.. Sylvain Cordier, Getty Images Conservation Status The IUCN updated the conservation classification status of the emperor penguin from least concern to near threatened in 2012. A 2009 survey estimated the number of emperor penguins to be about 595,000 individuals. The population trend is unknown, but suspected to be decreasing, with a risk of extinction by the year 2100. Emperor penguins are highly sensitive to climate change. Adults die when temperatures rise high enough to reduce sea ice coverage, while low temperatures and and too much sea ice increases chick deaths. Melting sea ice from global warming not only affects the penguin habitat, but also the species food supply. Krill numbers, in particular, fall when sea ice melts. Emperor Penguins and Humans Emperor penguins also face threats from humans. Commercial fishing has reduced food availability and tourism disrupts breeding colonies. Emperor penguins have been kept in captivity since the 1930s, but only successfully bred since the 1980s. In at least one case, an injured emperor penguin was rescued and released back into the wild. Sources BirdLife International 2018. Aptenodytes forsteri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22697752A132600320. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22697752A132600320.enBurnie, D. and D.E. Wilson (Eds.). Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the Worlds Wildlife. DK Adult, 2005. ISBN 0-7894-7764-5.Jenouvrier, S.; Caswell, H.; Barbraud, C.; Holland, M.; Str Ve, J.; Weimerskirch, H. Demographic models and IPCC climate projections predict the decline of an emperor penguin population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106 (6): 1844–1847, 2009. doi:10.1073/pnas.0806638106Williams, Tony D. The Penguins. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1995. ISBN 978-0-19-854667-2.Wood, Gerald. The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats. 1983. ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9.

Emperor Penguin Facts (Aptenodytes forsteri)

Emperor Penguin Facts (Aptenodytes forsteri) The emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) is the largest type of penguin. The bird is adapted to living its entire life in the cold of the Antarctic coast. The generic name Aptenodytes means diver without wings in Ancient Greek. Like other penguins, the emperor does have wings, but it cannot fly. Its stiff wings act as flippers to help the bird swim gracefully. Fast Facts: Emperor Penguin Scientific Name: Aptenodytes forsteriCommon Name: Emperor penguinBasic Animal Group: BirdSize: 43-51 inchesWeight: 50-100 poundsLifespan: 20 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Antarctic coastPopulation: Fewer than 600,000Conservation Status: Near Threatened Description Adult emperor penguins stand between 43 and 51 inches tall and weigh between 50 and 100 pounds. Weight depends on sex and season. Overall, males weigh more than females, but both males and females lose weight when incubating eggs and raising hatchlings. After the breeding seasons, both sexes weigh around 51 pounds. Males enter the season between 84 and 100 pounds, while females average around 65 pounds. Adults have black dorsal plumage, white feathers under their wings and on their bellies, and yellow ear patches and upper breast feathers. The upper part of the bill is black, while the lower mandible may be orange, pink, or lavender. Adult plumage fades to brown before molting each year in summer. Chicks have black heads, white masks, and gray down. Emperor penguins have bodies streamlined for swimming, flipper-like wings, and black feet. Their tongues are coated with rear-facing barbs that help prevent prey from escaping. Penguin bones are solid rather than hollow to help the birds survive the pressure of deep water. Their hemoglobin and myoglobin help them survive at the low blood oxygen levels associated with diving. On land, emperor penguins either waddle or slide on their bellies. Sian Seabrook, Getty Images Habitat and Distribution Emperor penguins live along the coast of Antarctica between 66Â ° and 77Â ° south latitudes. Colonies live on land, shelf ice, and sea ice. Breeding occurs on pack ice as far as 11 miles offshore. Diet Penguins are carnivores that prey upon fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods. They are social birds that often hunt together. They can dive to 1,500 feet, spend up to 20 minutes underwater, and forage over 300 miles from their colony. Chicks are hunted by Southern giant petrel and south polar skuas. Adults are only preyed upon by leopard seals and orcas. Behavior Penguins live in colonies ranging from 10 to hundreds of birds. When temperatures drop, penguins huddle in a rough circle around juveniles, slowly shuffling around so each adult gets a chance to shelter from the wind and cold. Emperor penguins use vocal calls to identify each other and communicate. Adults can call at two frequencies simultaneously. Chicks modulate the frequency of their whistle to call parents and indicate hunger. Reproduction and Offspring Although sexually mature at three years of age, most emperors dont start breeding until they are four to six years old. In March and April, adults begin courtship and walk 35 to 75 miles inland to nesting areas. The birds take one mate each year. In May or June, the female lays a single greenish-white egg, which weighs about one pound. She passes the egg to male and leaves him for two months to return to the sea to hunt. The male incubates the egg, balancing it on his feet to keep it off the ice. He fasts about 115 days until the egg hatches and his mate returns. For the first week, the male feeds the hatchling crop milk from a special gland in his esophagus. When the female returns, she feeds the chick regurgitated food, while the male leaves to hunt. The parents take turns hunting and feeding the chick. The chicks molt into adult plumage in November. In December and January all of the birds return to the sea to feed. Less than 20% of chicks survive the first year, as a parent must abandon a chick if its mate doesnt return before the guardians energy reserves are depleted. The adult survival rate from year to year is about 95%. The average lifespan of an emperor penguin is around 20 years, but a few birds may live as long as 50 years. Males keep chicks warm by resting them on their feet and snuggling them in an area of feathers called the brood patch.. Sylvain Cordier, Getty Images Conservation Status The IUCN updated the conservation classification status of the emperor penguin from least concern to near threatened in 2012. A 2009 survey estimated the number of emperor penguins to be about 595,000 individuals. The population trend is unknown, but suspected to be decreasing, with a risk of extinction by the year 2100. Emperor penguins are highly sensitive to climate change. Adults die when temperatures rise high enough to reduce sea ice coverage, while low temperatures and and too much sea ice increases chick deaths. Melting sea ice from global warming not only affects the penguin habitat, but also the species food supply. Krill numbers, in particular, fall when sea ice melts. Emperor Penguins and Humans Emperor penguins also face threats from humans. Commercial fishing has reduced food availability and tourism disrupts breeding colonies. Emperor penguins have been kept in captivity since the 1930s, but only successfully bred since the 1980s. In at least one case, an injured emperor penguin was rescued and released back into the wild. Sources BirdLife International 2018. Aptenodytes forsteri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22697752A132600320. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22697752A132600320.enBurnie, D. and D.E. Wilson (Eds.). Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the Worlds Wildlife. DK Adult, 2005. ISBN 0-7894-7764-5.Jenouvrier, S.; Caswell, H.; Barbraud, C.; Holland, M.; Str Ve, J.; Weimerskirch, H. Demographic models and IPCC climate projections predict the decline of an emperor penguin population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106 (6): 1844–1847, 2009. doi:10.1073/pnas.0806638106Williams, Tony D. The Penguins. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1995. ISBN 978-0-19-854667-2.Wood, Gerald. The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats. 1983. ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 7

Law - Essay Example It has a role as the legal guardian of the EU, since it protects the treaties that are the legal framework for the union. It has twenty-eight members from member countries who serve a five-year term in office. Member countries submit their list of qualified commissioners to the European Parliament for approval1. After appointment, the commissioners do not undertake any other duties whatsoever other than the delegated duties. This is the largest institution of the union and it represents all the major political parties in the European Union. It has a democratic setting, which allows citizens to elect their representatives to this parliament. According to the treaty of Lisbon, the member states are set to reduce from 766 to 751 in the year 20142. The major function of this parliamentary body is to air matters of public interest in the European Union. At the sittings of this institution, each member states gets a chance to air the challenges faced by their countries. This parliamentary body also vets the EU budget and has powers to reject it or amend some of its expenditure. Representatives serve a five-year term after which they are free to vie for re-election. Since it is the largest parliament in the world, which represents over 500million citizens it plays an important role in European integration. In the beginning, the role of the parliament was purely for advisory purposes, but in recent years, the treaties of Amsterdam and Nice led to a more active role for the parliament as mentioned above. It is also important to the EU since it monitors actions by the other institutions, which have to defend their actions before parliamentary committees3. This body carries out the legislative duties of the EU. For a while, it was the sole legislative body until the European parliament received such powers. Although the parliament has such powers, they are not as

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Martin Luther King's Letter from a Birmingham Jail Research Paper

Martin Luther King's Letter from a Birmingham Jail - Research Paper Example After the postponement of the march for three times, which was intended by Martin Luther King and other civil rights activists and various other senior members of Birmingham's economic community, it was executed on 12th April in 1963 in Washington (Flora & Et. Al., 2002). In this march he offered ‘one of the most famous speeches in American History’ titled as â€Å"I have a dream† that apparently and most certainly was against the segregation ordinances of the then government and thus was considered to be illegal and violent (Ross, 1963). Understanding that the speech shall result into severe violations of the government rules and therefore it was decided to imprison Martin Luther King and other superiors of Birmingham economic community engaged with the execution of the march (Sanders, 2007). In his 8 days of imprisonment, Martin Luther King wrote his famous â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†. The letter was addressed to the ‘clergymen’ of Birmingham which was promptly published by the then most renowned newspapers and magazines being smuggled out of the jail (Flora & Et. Al., 2002). The letter demonstrated the segregated life of black citizens in Birmingham highlighting the differences enacted by the white ministers in the daily life of the nation. It apparently focused on the issue indicating what the ‘whites’ had achieved and what the ‘blacks’ did not. In its core substance the letter indicated to both, the ministry of Birmingham and the Christian as well as the Jewish community of the state. This can be well identified from the statements of Martin Luther King in his letter, â€Å"My Dear Fellow Clergymen† and â€Å"I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers† (King, 1963). T o his verdict of breaking the laws enforced by the then ministry of Birmingham, Martin Luther King Jr. provided with a brief and subtle explanation that was again targeted towards the racial discrimination between whites and blacks or ‘Negroes’. He stated that his main motive was not to be against the laws enforced by the government, but disagree with the ‘unjust’ laws which were not in the favor of human personality. In the words of King (1963), â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦at first glance it may seem rather paradoxical for us consciously to break laws†¦there are two types of laws: just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Thus it is that I can urge men to obey the 1954 decision of the Supreme Court, for it is morally right; and I can urge them to disobey segregation ordinances, for they are morally wrong†. His argument regarding his act of breaking the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

James Dickey Essay Example for Free

James Dickey Essay James Dickey (1923 1997) is one of the outstanding modern American poets. His criticism provides a scope of ideas on what humanity has gained throughout the twentieth century. His viewpoint is likely to amaze an observer by constant critical notes on what is universally called â€Å"amenities of life.† Thus, the figure of James Dickey cannot be underestimated in terms of his poetical style and criticism of perpetually developing progressive life of the mankind during the twentieth century. His inclinations to make people understand the charms of primitivism and animalism were straightforward. He could put his reasoning over the entire life through the eyes of animals and nature. Thus, the environmental problem of humanity and morality worried him much. It is reflected in his poetry by making emphasis on the significance of return to the nature in order to think like a â€Å"child of nature.† Dickey’s main motivation for claiming the importance of return to primitivism was not spontaneous. He had got through participation in World War II and Korean War (Thesing and Wrede 151). In this respect the poet was highly depressed by losing his older brother. In fact, it turned into a cycle of poems on the main themes of family, survival, spiritual rebirth, love, war and some other (Vaughan 115). With multiple poems included in the compilation The Whole Motion, Dickey described war as the source for cruelty and disfigured estimation of humanity at large (Thesing and Wrede 153). In this very collection one embraces the evolution of Dickey as a poet. The author followed a specific for Modernism feature of the stream-of-consciousness technique. He introduced it in personal evaluation of human civilization, as a self-destructing unity of people. Moreover, Dickey was trying to make a set of interrelated topics interwoven in terms of their collision and approach toward the concept of a â€Å"natural man.† Attacking the problem of civilization, James Dickey is likely to blame world’s progress on the example of his best-known poem The Firebombing: The enemy-colored skin of families Determines to hold its color In sleep, as my hand turns whiter Than ever, clutches the toggle – The ship shakes bucks Fire hangs not yet fire In the air above Beppu For I am fulfilling An ‘anti-morale’ raid upon it (Kendall 511). Based on this single excerpt from the poem, Dickey brings the main problem of the mankind to notice. It is grounded on misunderstanding of where the edge between morality and violence takes place. The author perceives an enormous and ominous power of violence supported by humanity. He understands personal helplessness. Thus, he had no choice but to reflect his rumination in the form of a holistic criticism of the civilization and its consequences. Hence, Dickey is constantly critiquing civilization, and it feels like he never repeated the same theme colored by a banal estimation. It is also included into The Sheep Child. His poetic language was easy to comprehend. Thus, the readers and followers can easily take Dickey as he is. As a matter of fact, born in Atlanta, Georgia, Dickey was loosely related to the concept of nature as he lived, studied, and worked for some period of time in the south of the USA (OBriant 158). His â€Å"southern† origin and what he once experienced in person gave him motivation for teaching the audience being glowering toward what the civilized life had fallen into (James Dickey 1). In this respect the primitivism and the concept of the â€Å"natural man† are the paramount alternatives represented in his poetry.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Varieties of Capitalism Essay -- Economics

Introduction Due to the rapid process of globalization, the issue of whether socio-economic institutions and policies are converging or diverging across different nations has become controversial. Various literatures on comparative institutional studies has been developed, in which the Varieties of Capitalism approach by Hall and Soskice (2001) is one of the most significant concepts that is being widely discussed. According to Hall and Thelen (2005), the ‘varieties of capitalism’ is a firm-centered approach where firm is placed as a key actor and is being considered relational. It emphasizes the concept of institutional complementarities, which ‘†¦one set of institutions is complementary to another when its presence raises the returns available from the other’ (Hall and Gingerich, 2004, p.6). Also, the development of relationships between firms and other five domains – industrial relations, vocational training and education, corporate governance, inter-firm relations as well as employees, is essential to ensure coordination to maintain competencies (Hall and Soskice, 2001). According to Knell and Srholec (2005), the varieties of capitalism literature has mainly distinguished and identified two types of coordination - Liberal Market Economies (LMEs) and Coordinated Market Economies (CMEs), in which competitive markets are dominant in LMES while CMEs are mainly based on strategic interaction. Using the UK as an example of LME and Germany as an example of CME, this essay will consider the ‘varieties of capitalism’ (VoC) implications for financial structures as well as labour relations of the respective economies. The definition of institutional complementarities will be outlined in the first paragraph, while the implications w... ...s: Coordinated and Uncoordinated Market Economies in the 1980s and 1990s’ In Kitschelt H, Lange P, Marks G, and Stephens J (eds) Continuity and Change in Contemporary Capitalism New York, Cambridge University Press Sternberg, R. and Kiese, M. and Stockinger, D. (2008) ‘Cluster policies in the US and Germany: varieties of capitalism perspective on two high-tech states’ Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 2010, 28, pp.1063-1082 Streeck, W. (1992) Social Institutions and Economic Performance, Beverly Hills, Sage Publication Thelen, K. (2001) ‘Varieties of Labour Politics in the Developed Democracies’, in Hall, Peter A.; Soskice, David (eds.) Varieties of Capitalism: the Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, pp. 71–103. New York: Oxford University Press Witt, M. A. (2010) ‘China: What Variety of Capitalism?’ working paper, INSEAD

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How and why did USA become involved in the Vietnam War Essay

In march 12, 1947 with the truman doctrine and the newly introduced policy of containment usa decided to award itself with status of policeman of the world giving themselves a permission to intervene anywhere in the world when they consider it is neccessary. This was the policy that allowed them to interpose in vietnam. Vietnamese people under the leadership of ho chi mihn, founder of viet minh defeated french at diem bien phu who had controll over whole indochina (thailand, vietnam, combodia, laos). Although usa was sending aid to french they didn’t help much because president eisenhower has just been elected to end the korean war therefore he didn’t want to involve usa in another conflict. However after french defeat and the devision of vietnam into north which was communist and south usa started to realize the danger of communism spreading into asia and saw vietnam as a puppet in hands of ussr and china. in convinction that responsibility for the ‘domino effect’ will be theirs if they won’t do anything. n 1954 usa prevented the re-uniting free elections from taking place, foreboding uniting vietnam under communist goverment. this time they showed their resilient attitude, considering their disapproval with ussr, not holding free elections in their sattelites. nevertheless there were no elections and usa picked up anti-communist diem to become a president of south vietnam. This decision led to many protest especially from buddhist monks since diem was ignorat to their religion and culture, he himself being christian. uring his reign he forbade any elections and set members of his family into important positions. his corruption and way of controling south vietnam was the reason for more and more people joining the national front for the liberation of south vietnam, the viet cong. although usa didn’t agree with his governance after his murder they continued to support his equally corrupt successor. Meantime, in usa after kennedy’s assasination new president was elected with completely different attitude. b johnson seemed more considered about vietnam and sent more and more military personel, the so called ‘advisors’ to vietnam. During his leadership he achieved the tonkin gulf resolution under suspicious coincidences of the tonkin gulf incident, giving him ultimate power to launch immediate attack or start war without the need of consulting the idea with senate or advisors. lbj was the most involved president in vietnam war and he started the open war with vietnam. When advisors were not enough and the infiltration of north vietnamese in south vietnam became with increasing number of attacs intorelable problem, in march 1965 lbj decided to launch the operation rolling thunder, bombing of the North Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh’s trail which was the major mean of supplying south vietnam by Viet Cong. within a short time usa realized that this tactics is not appropriate but they were in convinction that easing would signal their weakness. n addition this operation lasted for eight years where high explosives, herbicides to destroy the jungle and defoliant agent orange were used and more bombs were dropped on vietnam than on germany by all the allies during the second world war. despite the growing objections johnson launched full-scale war with the first conventional warfare in ia drang valley which both sides considered as victory. Although americans inflicted greater losses than they have suffered (a:300 v:2000), vietnamese held their position s. This way the war continued for number of years marked with unsuccessful negotiations with main problem of diplomacy frequently undermined by military activity at a critical moment. In 1967 in south Vietnam were held the ‘free’ elections but without any communist party. Thieu was elected with a low vote but finally usa could say they are defending democratically elected goverment. in following years after the failure of previous operations, operations search and destroy was introduced which main aims were defending us bases, launching search and destroy missions. Another operation, an attempt to win the hearts and minds of the peasant was also complete failure, highlighting the main American problem – misapprehension of the culture of Vietnamese people. The Vietnam war being the first televised war hugely influenced it and seeing the happenings in vietnam many student protests took place in usa, especially after the Mai Lay massacre which shocked people being the evidence that something in this war has gone wrong. n 1967 increase of bombing by more than 50%, generals still requsting more men and viet cong still holding their positions even advancing (the tet offesnive 1968) and more than 3 000 000 casualities made johnson slowly realize that this war he will not win. In 1968 johnson after many absurd years of fighting informed public that usa will halt bombing, awaiting peace talks. the president has given up ending this terrible mistake and resignated, Vietnam finally became free, united and communist.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Reverence for Life Essay

At the height of his career, Albert Schweitzer was considered one of the most influential men of his time. He inspired millions of people with his speeches of revelations of life and how fulfilling a human’s life can be. Decades later after his death, we look at the world and what is taking place. Amongst the some good on this planet, we still see destruction, death, and corrupt politics [at the very least in the United States]. In 3rd world countries where there are war motivated nations, along with other countries potentially bad ethics, perhaps it is time to reflect on Schweitzer’s words and thoughts during his life. In Africa, where humans and animals fight for their lives, is when Schweitzer had a revelation and came up with a philosophy that would change the way we look at the world. He accomplished this with 3 simple words, Reverence for Life. After coming up with this phrase on a boat journey up stream through the hearth of Africa, he came invented an entirely new philosophy. In its simplest form, Reverence for Life means that we as living creatures on planet Earth, are only sure that we want to live and keep on living. This is something that we share with everything else that lives whether it be, plants, animals, insects, etc. Because of this, anyone or animal or plant that lives on this planet is connected by this one amazing thing. Nothing, whether be race, skin tone, religion, should be more important than this will to live. The world has evolved through millions of years to bring and support life. Every living thing on the planet or even non-living is supported by the Earth. The difference between humans and the rest of all the living organisms is that we humans are the only species that recognize this. This revelation is very important to humans since we have the ability to destroy life or neglect life, even to cause suffering and death. Needless to say, humans have some responsibility here. It is true that some suffering and death is unavoidable. For example, killing cattle for food, or trees for wood. Even vegans or vegetarians must kill living plants for food. Reverence for Life is simply saying we must be aware of what we are doing. We must be aware of what we are doing, 9 simple words that have such a deep and meaningful impact on everything and anything we humans are doing. Politics has good and negative impacts on society. How we change the environment can have positive or negative impacts on not only humans, but the entire living world as well. Sometimes, we can be blinded on the bigger picture when we alter environment, for simple reasons such as shelter, money or greed. One very clear example of this is clear cutting. It is true that humans need shelter. But we must be conscious when we begin clear cutting millions of acres of trees in rainforests or other places. After taking classes like environmental science, one really gains an appreciation for the environment and how even minor changes to a small environment, can have detrimental consequences to the rest of the world. In the case of clear cutting, not only are thousands of species dying but surrounding environments change as well. Less oxygen for the world, more co2 in the atmosphere due to lack of trees eating the co2 is just one example of how the entire planet can be affected. This is just one tiny example but raises good points. When humans make a decision to say, clear cut trees, we must look at the bigger picture on how this is going to affect us. And we can learn from these decisions as well, maybe find an alternative source to wood to build houses or build desks made of wood. For Schweitzer, even the smallest form of life is incredibly important. The ethical person goes out of his way to avoid injuring anything that is living; he doesn’t tear leaves from trees or step on insects. He rescues worms stranded on a sidewalk after a rain. Schweitzer ethics say a person should be reluctant and think before going and do something simple as shatter ice. As some may say these ethics are a little extreme, but possibly we could learn from this to help us think of the bigger picture before humans go on with an action or a decision. This can apply in not just nature but in other aspects as well. Aspects such as governments, in Africa for example. Africa is one the most devastated continent on the planet. Suffering from war, famine, murders, genocide, and more one can’t help but think why it is like that and how it can be fixed. For one, before humans got there none of this was going on. We can only blame ourselves as humans for the action happening overseas. As governments are the leaders and decision makers of countries in Africa, it is there responsibility along with the rest of the human population to be aware what is happening in Africa and start working more aggressively to fix these problems. This being said, I agree with Albert Schweitzer Reverence for Life ethics. We must take responsibility for what we do when we take water from a stream, cook and clean with the water being taken, when we kill an animal, or when we as humans kill other humans. The key concept here is being aware of what is going on in our surroundings. Life is tender and amazing. Science tells us that the Earth is a very powerful yet sensitive planet. When we alter the planet or take form the planet, it is vital to be aware of re-actions to our actions so to speak. After all this floating ball of rock in space is providing everything we need to support life. Perhaps it is wise to take care and protect the limited resources and re-newable resources this planet provides us. Whatever it maybe, we have good reason to feel reverence for each other, other living things, and our planet and its contents.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

10 Ultra Useful Computer Tips and Keyboard Shortcuts

10 Ultra Useful Computer Tips and Keyboard Shortcuts Even if you haven’t spilled coffee on your trackpad, sometimes it can be a huge time-saver to use keyboard shortcuts. Remember those? Gone are the days of ALT + F4. Here are a few updated hacks for the modern world. 1. Set your Gmail accidental â€Å"Undo† functionSet yourself a 5-7 second â€Å"whoopsies† window for sent messages with this handy â€Å"undo† function- for those times when you realize you forgot an attachment or spelled your boss’s name wrong. Or worse- hit â€Å"reply all.† Just follow these instructions.2. Access your address barJust type control + L.3. Restore default size of a webpage after zooming in or out.Press control + 0 (command + 0 on a Mac).4. Squeeze more bookmarks into your browser’s bookmarks tabRight or control + click on each of your bookmarks, select â€Å"Edit,† and delete all text. You’ll be left with just the favicon and will have much more room for other icons.5.  Supercharge your w i-fi signalTurn your computer into your very own Wi-Fi hotspot by downloading Virtual Router. This one is a life safer if you hate getting charged a penalty fee for going over your data limit.6. Create a portable WikipediaUse Wikipedia Nearby to nab articles based on your location. Be in the know! And if you like being a font of knowledge, try changing your home page to Wikipedia Random and learn something new every time you open your browser.7. Pause a video in YoutubeClick â€Å"K.† And to jump forward or back by 10 seconds, use â€Å"J† and â€Å"L,† respectively. You can also use the buttons to speed up or decrease speed of playback on videos.8. Open your PowerPoint directly into Presentation ModeJust right click and select â€Å"Show† rather than â€Å"Open.† You’ll look a whole lot smoother in front of your boss and big clients.9. Drag multiple tabs to a new window(In Chrome) Press control and click on the tabs you want to move, then drag them together out of one window until they spontaneously generate and populate a new one. Poof!10. Scroll side to side(In Chrome) Press shift and scroll.These are just a few ways to save you time you didn’t even realize that you were wasting.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

5 Ways to Express Fear in Spanish

5 Ways to Express Fear in Spanish The two most common ways of saying to fear or to be afraid in Spanish are the verb temer and the phrase tener miedo. Note, however, that this verb and verb phrase arent used in exactly the same way as their English equivalents. Phrases for Expressing Fear Temer is typically followed by: The preposition a and a noun. (No temo a las pelà ­culas de terror. I am not afraid of horror movies.) Sometimes the verb is preceded by a redundant indirect object pronoun. (No le tememos a nadie. Were not afraid of anybody.)The preposition por. (Teme por la seguridad de los detenidos en Cuba. He fears for the safety of the prisoners in Cuba.)The subordinate conjunction que. (Temen que el caos se extienda a los territorios ocupados. They are afraid that the chaos will extend to the occupied territories.) Note that, as in the example, the clause following temer que is usually in the subjunctive mood. (Temerse has a much milder meaning than to fear and frequently is followed by verb in the indicative mood. (Me temo que va a nevar. I am concerned it is going to snow.)An infinitive. (Temen salir de la rutina. They are afraid to quit their routine.) Tener miedo is typically followed by: The preposition a. (Sà ³lo tengo miedo a una cosa. I am afraid of just one thing.)The preposition de. (Todos buscamos à ©xito y tenemos miedo del fracaso. We are all looking for success and we are all afraid of failure.)The preposition por. (Fresita tiene miedo por lo que opinar su madre. Fresita fears for what her mother will say.)The conjunction que or phrase de que, usually followed by a clause in the subjunctive mood. (Tiene miedo que su hermana muera. He is afraid that his sister is dying. Tengo miedo de que aparezca otra chica en tu vida. Im afraid another girl will appear in your life.) Phrases that can be used in a way similar to tener miedo are tener aprensià ³n, tener temor and, less commonly, tener susto. In Spanish it is also common to express the idea of being a recipient of fear. (Me da susto las araà ±as. I am deathly afraid of spiders.  ¿Te metià ³ miedo la clase? Did the class scare you?)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Summarize the article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summarize the article - Essay Example The authors state that core mathematics programs that use an explicit and systematic instructional approach provide an in-depth coverage of the most critical areas of mathematics and help students with disabilities achieve the best and effective learning. This core programs reflect the current research on effective mathematics instruction meaning that they are highly developed to support the learning of mathematics for children with disabilities. The authors point out that much of the research done on this area have concentrated on the effects of small group intervention strategies. For learners with disabilities, modifications are required from time-to-time. Therefore, core programs give teachers the instructional foundation to make modifications that are required make the instructional intensity effective especially for struggling learners (Doabler, Jungjohann and Baker 50). Research has indicated that many reviews in the curriculum fail to address demonstration of target content, structured student practice and procedures to get academic feedback. However, there are certain guidelines that teachers can use to make their core mathematics instruction more explicit and systematic for children at risk of mathematics disabilities. However, the teachers must understand the importance of explicit and systematic instruction. First teachers must understand what explicit and systematic instruction entails. Research has indicated that children at risk of mathematics disabilities (MD) learn better, when teachers use explicit and systematic instruction. Explicit instruction is a method used for teaching essential skills in the most efficient manner. Explicit and systematic instruction entails unambiguous teaching models, sequencing of instructional examples, instructional scaffolding, timely feedback and cumulative review of the whole process. The second issue is the practical guidelines for examination and enhancement of core math instruction. The authors